2018 DevOps Conferences

If you are looking for the best DevOps conferences to learn what’s new in DevOps world. We’ve put together few top conferences to help you choose the ones you want to attend in 2018.

DevOps Enterprise Summit :
Web: events.itrevolution.com/us
Date: Nov. 13-15
Location: San Francisco, California.
DevOps Enterprise Summit is a conference for the leaders of large, complex organizations implementing DevOps principles and practices. The event programming emphasizes both evolving technical and architectural practices and the methods needed to lead widespread change efforts in large organizations. The goal is to give leaders the tools and practices they need to develop and deploy software faster and to win in the marketplace.

DockerCon :
Web: 2017.dockercon.com
Date: April 17-20
Location: Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas
DockerCon is the community and container industry conference for makers and operators of next generation distributed apps built with containers. The three-day conference provides talks by practitioners, hands-on labs, an expo hall of Docker ecosystem innovators and great opportunities to share your experiences with other virtual container enthusiasts.

Velocity Conference :
Web: conferences.oreilly.com/velocity/vl-ca
Date: Training, June 19-20; tutorials and conference, June 20-22
Location: San Jose, California
The O’Reilly Velocity Conference: Build resilient distributed systems. Our industry is evolving rapidly, shifting to a distributed systems stack that spans the application layer all the way down through compute, storage, networking, to the data center (whether yours is in the cloud or not). At Velocity, we’ll delve into these domains, helping you focus on engineering performance and operations from the bottom of the stack right up to the customer.

DevOps Days :
Web: devopsdays.org
Date: Varies
Location: Held throughout the year in multiple cities.
Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Topics often include automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.

ChefConf :
Web: chef.io/chefconf
Date: May 22-24
Location: Austin, Texas
Chef comes alive when nearly 2,000 passionate leaders, practitioners, and innovators from the DevOps community converge upon Austin, Texas. We’ll present an invigorating blend of technology and local Austin experiences to engage and energize both technical practitioners and corporate leaders.

Jenkins World :
Web: cloudbees.com/jenkinsworld
Date: August 28-29, training and workshops; August 30-31, conference
Location: Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, California
Jenkins World will bring together the largest gathering of Jenkins® users in the world, including Jenkins experts, continuous delivery thought leaders and companies offering complementary technologies for Jenkins. Jenkins World will provide opportunities for attendees to learn, explore and network face-to-face, as well as to help shape the future of Jenkins. Secure your spot now by registering today.